Southeast Wood Carvers Association
Membership Application
Print this page by clicking the <PRINT> button on your browser's toolbar. Complete the form, enclose a check for $15.00, and mail to:
Elliott Harris, Treasurer
3215 Bolero Pass
Atlanta, GA 30341
Voice: ( )
Membership Type
__ Individual __ Club/Organization
Personal Information
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ___________
Phone: ___________________ E-mail: __________________________________
Web Page (URL): _____________________________________________________
How did you learn about SWCA?
Southeast Wood Carvers Association
New Member Survey
Provide the following information to help us better serve you.:
How many years have you been carving?
__ 1-2 yrs. __ 3-5 yrs. __ 5-10 yrs. __ +10 yrs.
In which of the following categories would you place yourself?
__ Beginner __ Intermediate __ Advanced __ Professional
What types of projects do you carve? ________________________________________
What types of projects would you like to learn to carve? __________________________
What types of articles would you like to see in the newsletter and on the web page?
__ General Carving Tips __ Finishing Tips __ Patterns & Projects __ Other (please specify)
Club Affiliation
Do you belong to the National Woodcarvers Association? __ Yes __ No
Do you belong to other clubs or organizations? If so, pleas list the names and locations.
Would your club list activities in our newsletter and on our web site?__ Yes __ No
Contact information for your club(s):