Month/Day · Time · Event · Comments
April-10 8:00am Workday
April-22 7:00pm Meeting
Class Helen Gibson
April 16-17-18 Starts Fri. Noon, Sat. & Sun. all day
May-8 8:00am Workday
May-27 7:00pm Meeting
Class Austria Demo
May-6 6:30pm Cane Creek School (Tannehill State Park)
June-12 8:00am Workday
June-24 7:00pm Meeting
Class Gary Falin
June 11-12-13 Starts Fri. Noon, Sat. & Sun. all day
July-10 8:00am Workday
July-22 7:00pm Meeting
July 31 - Aug. 1 Show
Tuscaloosa, AL
August-14 8:00am Workday
August-26 7:00pm Meeting
Sept.-11 8:00am Workday
Sept.-25 700pm Meeting
Oct.-21 7:00pm Meeting
Oct.-23-24 Show
Tannehill Show, Tannehill State Park
Class Jim Wilsford
Oct. 15-16-17 Starts Fri. Noon, Sat. & Sun. all day
Nov.-13 8:00am Workday
Nov.-18 7:00pm Meeting
Class Gary Falin
Nov. 12-13-14 Starts Fri. Noon, Sat. & Sun. all day
No dates scheduled due to Christmas Holiday.
All of our workdays and meeting are held at the Cane Creek School,
Tannehill State Park. You have an open invitation to come join us at any of
our workdays, meetings we would enjoy spending the time carving with you. If
anyone has any questions about any of the information above, you can give me
a call.
If you would like to join our club the dues are only $20/year,
please send check to the following:
Wayne Thaggard
230 West Cliff Circle
Birmingham, AL 35226
(205) 979-2759
Greg Coffey
Club Publicity Chair
(205) 663-4894
E-mail: GRCOFFEY@southernco.com