What can you do when your interest in carving wanes?Bob Williams, SWCA newsletter editor, suggests
the following:
- Carve with a buddy.
If you cannot manage a face-off, pick up the phone.
Talk about the project they are carving. Attend your local club's meeting.
Organize a mid-week carve-around.
Try carving something new or different
We often get bored with carving the same types of project
time-after-time. Change from carving-in-the-round to relief carving. Change
from carving birds to caricatures.
Start carving on one of those blanks in the box under your
We all get started carving on a project and lay it down.
Dig into that block box. Try to remember why you started on this project.
Visit a woodcarving show!
Viewing the projects of other carvers can get those juices
flowing again. Checkout a vendor's booth. Would a new book provide
Carving is supposed to be relaxing.
Adding variety to your carving can keep this hobby fresh.
The Southeastern Carver, March 1999